About Us
November 25, 2019 2024-07-05 13:09About Us
Intercession & Revival Academy
Our Goal
To raise intercessors, revivalists and transformational leaders in all spheres of influence through our trainings, outreaches courses and other materials
Welcome to
Between 2004-2005, ImisiOluwa Owolabi (nee Sulaiman) started a prayer chain network where people get text messages of scriptures and pray together. In 2005, we started the midnight prayer call where people gather together to intercede to pray for the move of God and the heart of God. After a while, this metamorphosed into Hope365 and WhenFriendsPray.
However, the burden to raise intercessors, revivalists and transformational leaders became strong and this led to the birth of School Of Intercession (SOI) in 2017 and we had the first stream and there was a need to expand and we engaged into the next stream in 2019. 2019/2020 we had over 1,000 students which further metamorphosed to the Intercession and Revival academy, launched on the 5th of July 2020.
To raise, equip, and release intercessors, revivalists and transformational leaders in all mountains of influence thus birthing global transformation.
Our Platforms:
Online Courses/School
We believe everybody has been assigned to a mountain of influence. We all have a PPA (Primary Place of Assignment) and like David, who faced the giant Goliath, we too will face giants in these mountains. Through our various online courses on intercession and revival, we teach and equip individuals with the required Christ based knowledge on how to take over and intercede for the mountain where they are assigned to. The end game is to birth Kingdom culture and influence lives, beyond the four walls of the Church.
Revival is beyond just tainting things but causing a change in an industry. Hence, we will have trainings from time to time on other areas that affect us.
This is free for members only. There will be different organized seminars designed to penetrate the 7 mountains of influence of religion, family, education, government, media, arts/entertainment & business.
Field work
This covers our outreaches and evangelism where we equip people to carry out the Great Commission and the Great Command.
24hour Prayer/Worship Hub
We believe in the power of prayer. We believe in the power of worship. We believe in the power of The Word. Revival tarries because of the lack of prayer or insufficient intercession. So through this, we raise up prayers on behalf of people that engage in the mountains of influence and engage heaven for the will of God to be done on earth. This virtual hub is founded on two core scriptures: Matthew 6:10 “…Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” and Joel 2:28 “…I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy…”
Prophetic Trainings & Sessions
We believe in the prophetic Word of God both spoken and written. We believe that every prophetic word must align with the written Word of God so from time to time we have sessions to train our people on hearing the voice of God. We believe that the prophetic is the ability to recognize the voice of God and interpret things in a system. Through our prophetic training and sessions, we minister to people and train ourselves on how to be effective in our prophetic gifting.
Global Ministry Outreach:
Global Ministry Session
This is a platform where we prayerfully select people, from our trained intercessors and revivalists, to minister globally. We get to minister in English & French for now. Through this platform, people from across the globe are welcome to register for about 5 – 10 minutes of ministry time for one-on-one or group sessions based on the Word of God. Prior to this, you will be advised to complete a prayer request form and will be assigned to one/two of our trained intercessors and revivalists during the global session.
Global Healing Stream
This is the arm that ministers to people in terms of healing – emotional, physical and spiritual healing. This section is for those that are sick in their bodies, minds and/or spirit. They can book a session and have members of our team pray with them and trust the Lord for healing in their spirit, soul and body.
IAR Community Hub
There’s no doubt what strength a healthy and thriving community can birth in the life of an individual. At IAR, we strongly believe in community and we provide a community where we come together to learn, live, love, network, have fun and encourage one another.
Hope Line
This serves as a helpline with trained intercessors and revivalists from our Academy who are assigned to minister to people globally. They serve as Hope Line agents with the emphasis of providing a source of hope to the lost and distressed through prayer and the Word of God.
Isaiah 2
2. In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house
will be the highest of all—
the most important place on earth.
It will be raised above the other hills,
and people from all over the world will stream there to worship.
3. People from many nations will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the house of Jacob’s God.
There he will teach us his ways,
and we will walk in his paths.”
For the Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion;
his word will go out from Jerusalem.
Leadership Team
Say hello to the most dedicated team Intercession & Revival Academy